International courses and lectures
Luxor 26 - 28.01.2023
Rom 07.10-15.10.23
Nürnberg: 18.3.23 TMD
Erlangen: 5.4.23 Hybrid
Konstanz: 19.06 - 20.06.23
Erlangen: 20.10.23 TS
Kröv-Mosel: 01.12-02.12.23
Leuven 16.11.23 SARA
Coorg: 24.03-26.03.23
Trouble shooting in der Alignertherapie
Hybride biomechanische Therapiekonzepte in der Alignertherapie
Troubleshooting in aligners & fixed orthodontics
Trouble Shooting / Hybrid Orthodontic
Problemmanagement in der Aligner & festsitzenden Kieferorthopädie
Diagnose / Therapie & okklusale Rehabilitation
CMD, Malokklusion, Atmung, Diagnose und Therapie
Fascination & limits of noncompliance orthodontic
CMD, Malokklusion, Atmung, Diagnose und Therapie
Advanced Interdisciplinary occlusal rehabilition
As specialists in orthodontics, in addition to our calinical work, we are also scientifically active in teaching and further education.
On this website you will find information on courses and further education events as well as selected literature and publications.
Selected literature and publications
Selected literature and publications
for questions about courses, literature and publications or for collegial exchange